Salman Khan, who is currently shooting for Sajid Nadiadwala’s Kick, is doing some a la Tom Cruise stunts from Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. The actor hanged himself from the 40 th floor of Palace of Culture and Science, which also happens to be the tallest building in the Country. Despite all the security measures in place, the stunt sure is risky, and Sallu had finally made that call to face the fears.
The filming of the scene went on for as long as 5 hours, leaving the film unit relieved as Salman descended safely after the shoot. This would be the first time that Salman has ever done a heavy duty stunt scene for a film, joining the likes of Akshay Kumar. A similar stunt was performed by Hollywood hunk Tom Cruise for his latest instalment of Mission Impossible that released few years before. Cruise jumped from Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in Dubai, setting a new milestone in action stunts.
Sajid Nadiadwala expressed his delight over the star’s guts and dedication –“Salman Khan was incredible” he said.
Kick stars Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in the main leads. The film is a direct remake of Telugu blockbuster with the same title starring Ravi Teja and Ileana D’Cruz. The formula is perfect to work with the Bollowood audience if the humour is altered as per Hindi style.
The film will release on Eid this year, setting the arrival of the Dabangg star with some Kick.