Now a days Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is highly distressed because of his girl friend Kareena and he was flustered because he lost his iPod at the Goa airport recently.
Sources close to the actor inform that his iPod contained important information. The actor had documented not only his schedules for his movies but also a lot of information of his forthcoming movie Agent Vinod. And he did not even have a backup. Saif is maha upset that he has lost most of the vital information but hopes that the information will not be misused or leaked.
“Losing an iPod also means that he will have to reschedule his entire work plan and re-do a lot of things which is a tedious task for him right now as he is busy shooting for Agent Vinod. The actor is busy finishing the film so that it can be released in March next year.
Besides his iPod, the actor has also lost oodles of weight, changed his hairstyle and redesigned his entire body language to play a lean spy. Saif has been working out frantically and toning his muscles to look sinewy and agile for the role.