Super Star Mahesh Babu is busy shooting for his new movie titled as Bharat Ane Nenu. After this one, the actor will be seen in his milestone 25th project, to be directed by Vamshi Paidipally. The script was locked a long time back, and the pre-production work of the movie is coming to an end soon. In this context, there were a lot of rumours that the film’s story is lifted from a TV series.
A fan asked the director on Twitter saying, “sir just saw some articles about our #SSMB25 it is taking from some Australia series and NewZealand writer wrote a story line please give a clarity not for those who spreading news and fans too” to which Vamshi replied, “Not True at all… False News…. #Mahesh25 is not inspired by any Series or any Film,” he tweeted.
Pooja Hegde is the heroine in the film. The film is produced by Dil Raju and Ashwini Dutt jointly.