Tollywood’s one of the popular writer and director BVS Ravi got the chance to provide the script for Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s mega project which is Chiru’s 150th movie. Few rumors making rounds that Chiru’s 150th film story copied from writer Vasu Dev Varma’s story, who is working for Krishnam Raju’s upcoming project titled “Okka Adugu”. Recently writer Gopi Mohan also condemned that he hasn’t shared any idea with BVS Ravi regarding Chiru’s 150th film story.
“A gossip news is circulating that i shared someone’s story with @BvsRavi.It’s a false news.Whoever it is,they can solve with Writers union.” posted by Gopi Mohan.
BVS Ravi also responded about rumors on the Chiru’s 150th film story
“#150 is neither periodical nor any social problem related one nor did @Gopimohan share wid me any idea.any doubt can b cleared thru unions.
It’s a new age stylish storyline designed by @Purijagan Garu keeping in mind all the megafans and expectations of all the audience.
All kinds of publicity stunts shud be put to rest and dealt with respected Unions.”, BVS Ravi posted on his Twitter page.
Check: Chiranjeevi First Look for His 150th Film
”#AUTOJAANI story is completely and originally conceived by me.Don’t believe false claims and rumours made in media” posted by Puri Jagannadh
Ram Chran is producing the Chiru’s 150th film and Puri Jagannadh is the director and BVS Ravi penning the script for this flick.