RGV’ s next film, Rowdy starring Dr Mohan Babu had its audio released in a grand way. The audio function that was held in Sri Vidyanikethan institution in Tirupati saw major celebrities like Dr Dasari Narayana Rao, K Raghavendra Rao, SV Krishna Reddy, Atchi Reddy, Lakshmi Manchu and husband Anand Srinivasan, Manoj Manchu come grace the occasion.
Dr Dasari Narayana Rao launched the audio CD and unveiled the music to the crew and the public. Ram Gopal Varma received great accolades from Dr Mohan Babu, who called him to be one of the best directors ever worked after the likes of Dasari and Raghavendra Rao.
The film is stated to hit the screens of April 4th, welcoming the summer for the audience with a great dose of gangster plot and faction. The trailers of the film look promising, especially showcasing Vishnu Manchu like never before. Jayasudha and Shanvi Srivastava play the female leads while Sai Karthik had composed the music for the film.
This would be an anxious time for RGV, who could not taste much expected success with Satya 2. Apart from his sensational statements on twitter, RGV is also respected and admired for his candid take on film making and politics.
Let us hope that RGV recreates that old magic with Rowdy!