As per the latest update, RGV’s directorial starring Dr Mohan Babu, Rowdy will release on April 4th. The film was earlier planned to release on 28th this month, but has been pushed further on. A.V Pictures, the production house stated that the movie will hit the theaters worldwide on 4th.
Rowdy is a direct adaptation of RGV’s Bollywood hit, Sarkar and stars Dr Mohan Babu and Manchu Vishnu in the leading roles. Talking about working with his father in an intense and serious role, Vishnu was delighted to share – “I have enjoyed doing this film thoroughly. It has incredible energy and is exciting. I dont think it will disappoint the audience from what they have been hearing about this film. In fact, we expect that it will only raise the opinion about this film”
The film that promises action and a gangster plot stars Jayasudha and Shanvi in female leads.
The trailer, first look and the posters of the film have generated great talks already.