Director Shankar’s trilingual blockbuster “Robo” is creating all time records at the box office. In what seems to be a controversy, the movie is now under the shades of copyright issues. Veteran Telugu novelist Mynampati Bhaskar, alleged that the movie is almost a direct lift from his novel “Budhi Jeevi” published in the year 1984.
He has sent a legal notice to producer Kalanidhi Maran of Sun Pictures, director Shankar, and hero Rajnikanth. Earlier, the film’s story was said to be based on a story written by famous Tamil writer Sujatha, and director Shankar too reportedly claimed that his communication was with the lateSujatha only.
The latest buzz is that Mynampati is demanding a whooping 50 lakhs as compensation for his credits. However industry critics state that the issue is all for the sake of money.