Director Ramgopal Varma’s new film based on terrorist attacks on Mumbai has finally goes onto sets. Today (March 16th, 2012) the film shooting has started and the film has been titled as "The attacks of 26/11". All the new comers are acting in this film. Ramgopal Varma has found an actor with a stunning resemblance to Kasab.A stage artiste in Mumbai, Sanjay Jaiswal is playing the Kasab’s role in the film.
RGV tweeted about this film and here is his tweets
"Today is the 1st day of shooting of the most important film of my career `The attacks of 26/11 `
Thts bcos its on the mst important event tht evr happened..if not in scale nd damage and tragedy just in sheer complexity it beats even 9/11
15 Mar Ram Gopal Varma Ram Gopal Varma
Its bng dne wth a completley new cast nd is going 2 b shot in languages in whch the actual people spoke tht is urdu hindi english nd marathi
The film is primarily meant fr an international release nd is being made at a budget of around 40 cr
The attacks of 26/11 will detail every aspect of the carnage beginning with the terrorists taking over Amar solankis trawler `Kuber’"
Ramgopal Varma is making this film with RS 40 crores, which is the highest budget movie in RGV’s career so far.The film will be shot in Urdu,Hindi,English and Marathi languages.