South indian Superstar Rajinikanth’s new film “Raana” will going to hit the floors in April it seems. Rajini kanth will be playing triple role in Raana. For this flick Deepika padukone has been roped for the female lead role. For second female lead Asin seems confirmed.Now the latest news is that Rekha has been approached to play opposite to Rajini for Raana.
When he heard that Rekha had some reservations about her role in the film, which has Deepika Padukone as the leading lady, Rajnikant decided to fly down to Mumbai, to meet the actress personally. Rajni also assured Rekha that her role would not overlap with Deepika’s.
Rajni has a triple role in Rana. Two of them are full-fledged parts while the third is a cameo. While Deepika is paired with the ‘young’ Rajni, Rekha will co-star opposite the father Rajnikanth in a different time zone."
Rekha finally agreed to do the role after a lot of persuasion. The shooting of the film will start in Chennai from April. Earlier Rekha worked with Rajini in Bhrashtachar, Phool Bane Angaaray and Bulandi movies.
Raana is to be directed by K.S. Ravikumar under the banner of Eros International and Ocher Studios. The film will be made in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu languages. The movie will hit the screens in early 2012.