Power Star Pawan Kayan already donated Rs 25 lakhs to the flood victims of Uttarakhand.Now,Mega Star Ram Charan and Stylish Star Allu Arjun also donated Rs 10 lakhs each for the PM Relief fund to aid people whose lives have gone astray due to floods in Uttarakhand.
After Pawan Kalyan’s kind act, the film fraternity is gearing up to help as much as possible towards this unfortunate calamity. The two handsome star brothers of south, Suriya and Karthi, have reportedly donated as much as 10 Lakh rupees to the flood victims of Uttarakhand. This genuine gesture left many speechless.Karthi himself runs a charitable organization by the name Sivakumar Educational Charity that supports poor students financially to fund their education. The fact that the reel heroes are turning real heroes to save the world is a delight. Keep up the good work!