Crazy hero Raviteja’s new film "Veera" regular shooting started today (November 24, 2010) in Arts Gallery at Madhapur in Hyderabad. In this film Kajal and Tapsee are playing the female lead roles. It is being directed by Ramesh Varma, who directed Ride movie earlier and produced by Gansesh Indukuri under Sanvi productions Pvt Ltd Banner. S.Thaman is scoring the music.
The movie shooting will continue till March without break and it will release in April. Producer said that Veera is going to be an Action, Comedy and Romance entertainer movie, in this flick Raviteja is going to appear in different role.
Other casts include Shyam,Sidevi, Roja, Prakash Raj,Brahmanandam,Nagababu, Ali,Venu Madhav, Raavath Pradeep,Dhramavarapu Subramanyam,Supreeth, Chalapathi Rao, Master Bharath and many more.