Kick starting the first episode of ‘Mission Sapne’ on Colors Channel, Bollywood heartthrob started the show as the first guest. The reality show that focusses on common man’s problems and the role of celebrities in helping them out saw Ranbir Kapoor helping a little girl Sunitha suffering with blood cancer. Sunitha required INR 4 lakh rupees of funding to get treated for the dreadful condition that she is inflicted with. She hails from a poor family where her father works as a truck driver.
The show saw Ranbir stepping out of his comfort zone, going out and selling Vada Pavs to raise the money. Ranbir was welcomed into the college campuses with hysteria and fan following that became a little distractive for the superstar with his mission. However, Ranbir managed against the odds and sold the Vada Pav to his fans. He also posed for pictures, jived to the tunes and interacted with his followers in the process.
At the end of the show, the Rockstar raised a hard earned 7,000 rupees after a day’s selling of Vada Pav. The show multiplied the amount with hundred and raised a total of 7 Lakh rupees for the girl. The first episode marked a great beginning for a mission so humane and real.
Mission Sapna will see its first season with a bevy of Bollywood celebrities making an appearance. Celebs like Salman Khan, Karan Johar, Mika Singh, Ram Kapoor etc., will soon appear on the show, doing great things for the common man.
The show is hosted by yesteryear actress Sonali Bendre and the title track is sung by Mika Singh himself.