Bollywood hottie Ranbir Kapoor has now been signed up as an official ambassador for Lenovo Smartphones. The Chinese tech giant, which is due to launch the first set of Lenovo Smartphones in India, thinks that there is no other better celebrity than Ranbir to continue the branding. The actor is already a brand endorser for Lenovo PCs and Tablets in the Country.
Speaking about this update, Sudhin Mathur, Director, Lenovo India, spoke to PTI –“Ranbir Kapoor is multi-talented and popular actor, who is admired across the Nation. We are delighted to be associated with him, as he is an extremely versatile, endearing and stylish performer just like our range of Lenovo smartphones”
Ranbor will actively take part in all the brand campaign, media and online promotions of the Lenovo smartphones that will soon be launched in the Indian market. Looking at the monopoly exercised by the likes of Samsung, Nokia and Sony Erricsson, it would be interesting to see how Lenovo fares.
Apart from the tech gadgets, Ranbir is also an active endorser of youth related retail products. Axe is one of the significant commercials doing the rounds with Ranbir ‘keeping the score’ of the number of women who fall for him after using Axe deodorant and perfume.
The actor is currently shooting for Anurag Kashyap’s Bombay Velvet that stars Anushka Sharma in the female lead. The film is likely to release by the end of this year and marks the first ever collaboration of Anurag Kashyap and Karan Johar on the Screenplay.