Director Rajkumar Hirani is now extensively working on his next project; a biopic based on actor Sanjay Dutt. The film maker who delivered hit with Dutt like Munnabhai MBBS and Lage Raho Munna Bhai is likely to cast star Ranbir Kapoor to play the reel life Sanjay Dutt in his film. This would be the first time for both Hirani and Ranbir to come together and work for a detailed movie that is all about the 54 year old Sanjay’s controversial life.
This would be one of the first serious and intensity driven roles for Ranbir Kapoor after a line of romantic hits in Bollywood.
Sources close to the Dutt family say that it was wife Maanyata Dutt’s decision that only Hirani should be making a film that is all about Sanjay Dutt, due to the emotional relationship involved between the director and the actor. The movie will be made under Sanjay Dutt Productions and will be an unabashed take on Sanjay’s life as in totality. Right from his addition to drugs, handling of ammunition and emotional turmoil in personal life, all the prime aspects of his story will be presented on the reel.
Though the content of the biopic will be controversial and sensational, Hirani had vouched to take up the project after he is done with his current film, Peekay, which is under production. The director has given his nod to the Dutt couple and has stated to commit to a full length research on the biopic once he is on it.
Sanjay Dutt, who was convicted of his involvement in March 1993 Mumbai blasts, recently ran out of his parole period and is serving the remainder of five year imprisonment that was issued by the court at Yerawada Jail, Pune, since May 2013. He was blessed with twins and was by Maanyata during her recent illness.