Giving support to their buddy Jackky Bhagnani, young hunks of Bollywood Ranbir Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor went to watch the special screening of the film Youngistaan, where Jackky plays the central protagonist. The movie that saw a decent turnout upon its release fetched some remarkable reviews about its content.
Ranbir and Arjun, dressed in cool casuals, made way to the screening in Mumbai that was held yesterday. While Arjun looked smashing in a white T shirt and light blue denims, Arjun opted for a more trendy black leather jacket. The two were seen brother bonding with Jackky during the screening.
Neha Sharma, who plays the female lead in Youngistaan was also seen joining the boys. Ace choreographer Remo D’Souza was also seen at the screening, lending his support to Jackky’s entry into films.
Youngistaan is a direct remake of Telugu super hit film, Leader, that was originally directed by Sekhar Kammula. Rana Daggubati made a sensational debut with this film, and Jackky is reprising the very same role in Hindi. The film that released to a decent opening was well lauded for its content and depth, throwing light on the current politics in the country. Jackky plays a good role of a young politician who wants to bring in the change, by playing the game in a calculated way.
The film is analysed to perform critically well, though not at par with commercial entertainer. Meanwhile, Jackky’s acting was felt commendable for a debutante.