Hero Ram’s new movie Nenu Sailaja has completed its censor formalities and recived clean “U” certificate from the censor board without any cuts. Nowadays, it is difficult to clear the censor formalities without any cuts, but Ram managed to get clean “U” without any cuts. The movie is gearing up for its release on January 1, 2016.
Mallu beauty Keerthi Suresh is the heroine opposite Ram in the movie. The film is directed by Kishore Tirumala of Second Hand fame and produced by Sravanthi Ravi Kishore. Devi Sri Prasad scored the music.
Hero Ram and Keerthi have equal weightage in the film, so the movie team changed the title from “Harikatha” to “Nenu Sailaja”. Ram plays a role of Hari, and the earlier title “Harikatha” meant this is Hari’s story. However, both the lead actors have equal importance in the story, and they changed to “Nenu Sailaja”.
Ram is also hoping a significant success with this film because his earlier movies Pandaga Chesko and Shivam failed at box-office.