Director Vikas Bahl was accused of copyright infringement. Writer Abhigyan Jha, who originally wrote a script for the film ‘Phir Zindagi’ in 2006, accused that Vikas has lifted the entire content of his yet to be released film to make it into a movie called Queen.
As per the accusation, the writer claimed that Vikas Bahl was shown the shelved film in 2006 from where he got inspired to make a story of a girl going to her honeymoon alone. While Abhigyan states that some parts alter from his version, few scenes have been directly lifted from Phir Zindagi.
The producer of Phir Zindagi, Parvati Balagopalan, also claimed that they feel betrayed by this act. The miffed Abhigyan has now decided to take the matters into his own hands and take action.
Vikas Bahl, on the other hand, has requested people to first watch his film and then watch Phir Zindagi to compare and then accuse him of the copyrighting assault.
There are more and more such accusations popping up in the recent times, especially with the young film makers who are accused of lifting the content from either somebody’s literary works or older films that have not seen the light of the day in terms of a decent release. Another film that was exposed to this accusation in the recent times was Bhoothnath Returns, where a writer accused the director of the film to have directed lifted the content from his literary works. The story was told as it was written by the writer way before and no prior consent was taken before doing so.