The director – writer duo, Rafi and Mecartin delivered some of the biggest laugh riots in Malayalam cinema with the likes of Puthukottayile Puthumanavalan, Thenkasipattanam, Chathikkaatha Chandu and of course Punjabi House!
These movies are now part of Mollywood comedy history, and the magic of the duo’s humour sense and styling have given us iconic scenes and one liners that have become part of popular culture. How often do we find ourselves quoting from some of the hilarious parts of these movies and smiling sometimes at the mere memory or mention of them?
Yes indeed, the dynamic duo of cinematic comedy is back now to tickle our funny bones again after parting ways for a ‘break’ back in 2012.
In fact, rumours were flying around that their first project back together would have someone else in the director’s chair and that someone would be veteran director Fazil. But now those rumours have been rendered baseless and sources say the talented friends have someone else in mind.
The surprising and exciting news however, is something else entirely – Rafi says that they are planning to do a sequel to the super hit movie Punjabi House which starred Dileep originally! He said that actually they had planned to do this a while back but somehow the plans remained conceptual and the project never materialised.
It is unclear whether they have Dileep in mind for this one again or would they employ a whole new cast and an original plot.
Anyway, great news for Malayalam movie fans! And here’s hoping to see the dream movie up on the big screen soon…