“Prayers for my Nandana,” Chitra Mourns her Daughter

It was three years ago today that the world learned in shock of the tragic passing of singer K S Chithra’s baby daughter Nandana in a drowning accident. The loss was felt by all who knew her and millions of her fans, and the world wept for the young soul who had left us so soon.


On the third anniversary of the tragedy, Chithra posted on her Facebook page, the heartfelt request of a mother:

“Today is the day I lost my soul three years ago. Pray for my Nandana. – K.S. Chithra”

As a response to this, the fan community of the beloved singer quickly put up their condolences and words of comfort:

“Those Who Mean The Most To Us Are Never Really Gone For In Our Thoughts And In Our Hearts Their Memory Lives On For Ever … ” Nandana ” Mol – ( 18 December 2002 – 14 April 2011 ) Still We Miss You So Much Dear Molu . Pray For Our Nandana !!!”

K S Chithra could be called, perhaps, one of the greatest singers in the Indian film industry with her angelic voice and magnificent talent. She routinely performs for shows and such and it was on one such tour that she was staying in Dubai in 2011.

As her young daughter was accompanying her, she chose to stay with a friend rather than a hotel. It was here that Nandana was discovered to be missing and the frantic search that followed soon led to her body in the swimming pool where, apparently, she had accidentally drowned.

The loss of her only daughter had devastated the singer and she kept away from the profession of singing for a long time. It was much later that she came back to the mainstream of music again, stating her reason – “It is only music that can soothe my soul.”

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