Bad luck seems to be chasing actor Prakash Raj big time. After being banned in Tollywood post the complaint lodged against him by the Directors’ and the Producers’ association in Tollywood, Prakash Raj thought it was compelling to state the reasons as to why he was replaced with Sonu Sood after shooting a massive chunk of the movie Aagadu with Mahesh and Srinu Vaitla. The National Award Winner made a statement with PTI to this effect.
“The truth is, i was part of the film. I completed the scene and left after the shoot and it is also true that i have been replaced. Yes, there have been creative differences between the director and me. But since it has been blown out of proportion i thought i should clear things myself. I respect Mahesh a lot and there’s no issue between us. Same is the case with the assistant director; if he comes to me with a script tomorrow we may work together” he stated.
Prakash Raj was careful not to comment about Vaitla. Putting it diplomatically he said that things turned dramatic with ‘one’ person ruining it all on the sets – “There is one man behind all this, who is passing these stories only to cover up his own inability. This is not just about me, but it is bringing differences among the entire film fraternity. I would not like to reveal his name yet as i may influence the judgement.” he added.
Speaking about the committee’s pending decision to ban him completely, he said –
“Once the committee is formed and if they think that i am at fault, i will apologize”.