Bollywood’s hihgly successful director and choreographer, Prabhu Deva, is perhaps one of the most sought ater directors in B-Town. His films, just like his contemporary,Rohit Shetty,has been beaten to trash by his critics. However,they have gone down to become huge money spinners which is why producers are signing him on for their ‘commercial’ ventures.
If rumour has to be believed, then Prabhu Deva is being offered a whopping 30 Crores as a remuneration for every movie that he signs for. This comes as a shock especially at a time when the stars are seen charging a couple of crores to act in the film.
This,however,puts a big question in front of us! Are money-spinning directors really that important? And is it really important for a movie to be a commerical success than it even making some sense?
Prabhu Deva has been pitted against his contemporary Rohit Shetty for making brainless comedies. However,Box office has other plans for the directors. Both of them have been highly succesful filmmakers with their films going on to be roraing successes at the box office.
It remains to be seen whether this ‘money-making’ obsession fetches any tangible results in Bollywood.
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