Tollywood’s popular comedian Ali, who is busy with the films and TV Shows is all set to enter into politics. Ali starred as hero film ‘Alibaba Okkade Donga’ released recently and which is his 50th film as Hero and he is also very happy about the movie response. Now he is eying on politics to test his luck like the senior comedians Kota, Babu Mohan and Dhamravarapu Subramanyam by entering into Politics.
As per the sources Ali interesting to join in Telugudesam Party and he also met TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu it seems on his political debut. Ali wanted to contest from his home town Rajahmundry Assembly Constituency on TDP ticket in 2014 general elections. However, Chandrababu asked him to contest from Guntur instead of Rajahmundry.
So, if everything goes well then soon we will see Ali in Telugudesam Party campaign!