Responding to the rumours that he along with Suresh Gopi might also be candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, actor Jagadeesh says, “I will not be contesting in the elections. I think I would be better suited as a candidate to the Parliament. I think could do a good job.”
The 53 year old actor who started of with small roles in the eighties, moved on to starring roles in the nineties and had settled in to his comfortable niche of comedic roles and as a TV host, says though it might be his arrogance talking, he might be a good fit for the job. He is particularly concerned about the conditions of the roads in Kerala, being an avid traveler himself to all the nooks and crannies of the state.
The rumors started flying right after the actor Innocent, who also just happens to be the president of AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists), announced his candidacy for a Lok Sabha seat from the Chalakudy constituency for CPM.
This has led to a string of controversial events as the opposition has officially complained to the Election Commission that Innocent movies be banned from theaters and TV till the elections, so as not to unduly influence the voters. They even went after movie posters of the actor appearing during the duration.