Yuvaratna Balakrishna’s upcoming film "Parama Veera Chakra" under Dasari Narayana Rao direction, has been completed its entire shooting part on Yesterday. The movie Post Production Works are going on in full swing at Chennai. Movie makers are planning to submit the movie first copy for censor certification by end of this month. The audio launch of Parama Veera Chakra will be held on December 29th in a grand style. Movie will be release on January 12th.
Amisha Patel, Sheela and Neha Dupia are playing the female lead roles. Directors Srinu Vytla, Kodi Ramakrishna, B.Gopal and Singeetham Srinivas Rao are playing the guest roles in the film. Manisharma is composing Music for the film. Producer C.Kalyan is producing film under ‘Teja Cinema’ banner.