Mega Power star Ramcharan Teja’s upcoming film "Orange" audio release date has been confirmed. The audio of Orange movie will be launched on 25th.The audio will be released on 24th, evening at Shilpa Kala Vedika, Shilparamam, Hyderabad. Movie is expected to be released on November 12th.
As per the sources Chiranjeevi will launch the audio in Hyderabad, without the actual presence of actor Ramcharan. However, Ramcharan will be at the launch via online conferencing.
Bubbly actress Genelia (Bommarillu fame) is paired with Ram Charan Tej for the first time. Shazahn Padamsee (Rocket Singh fame) makes her debut withthe movie in Telugu. The film is directed by Bommarillu Bhasker and produced by Nagababu under Anjana Productions banner. Harris Jayraj is scoring the music.