After the success of Nithya Menon’s debut film ‘Ala Modalaindi’in Tollywood, she is getting many offers. Now the latest news is that Nithya Menon is pairing with Siddharth in the film tentatively titled as ‘O My Friend’. She already acting in a film titled “180″ with hero Siddharth, and this is the second film for the duo.
Earlier Amrita Rao was chosen for as heroine for the film ‘O My Friend’, but due to some problems she opted out of the project, Now Nithya Menon grabbed this offer.
The film will be directed by debutant Venu Sriram and it will be produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations banner. The movie was launched yesterday on February 9th and regular shooting will starts from February 12th.