Young Hero Nithin is back on to success track after several flop movies and his recently released film Heart Attack running successfully. Now the hero Nithin started the new film yesterday with a formal pooja ceremony and it will directed by a debutant director Sreenivas Reddy. This film will be produced by Nithin’s own production house and also started a new banner for this film. Earlier Nithin’s Ishq and Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe films produced under Sreshta Movies banner but now they are started a new banner “Srawanaa Movies Banner” and this banner is producing the Nithin’s new film to be directed by Sreenivas Reddy. Heroine is not yet confirmed for this movie.
The movie is said to be a new, fresh and variety love story and the regular shooting of the movie will starts from third week of March. Music Director Mani Sharma’s son Sagar is composing the music for this film and this is also his debut film as a music composer.