Young Tiger Jr NTR is busy getting ready for his upcoming film to be made in the direction of KS Ravindra. Kalyan Ram Nandamuri is producing the film on NTR Arts banner. Apparently, the sources close to the actor reveals us that Tarak is taking the film as a prestigious one in his career. JR NTR took a lot of time for approving this project. Top class technicians are being roped in for the film. Bollywood cinematographer and Hollywood prosthetic expert are on board already. The makers started locking other actors for this film as well.
The film unit is said to be approaching Neil Nitin Mukesh to play the antagonist in the film. He was also considered for Khaidi No 150 but he declined the offer as he already played the same role in the original Kaththi. Nithin is positive towards the project and the complete details will be out soon.