Actress Neha Dhupia has taken to Twitter complaining about the website portal Go Daddy. Apparently, the site is debiting her account with funds for using their services, and Neha claims all of that to be totally false. She is now following the site on Twitter, hashtagging them and accusing them of cheating her. It is raining tweets on Go Daddy and Neha is a woman with a mission.
Neha Dhupia ✔ @NehaDhupia
Ok so @GoDaddy pls stop withdrawing money as and when u please from my account jus because u have my credit card details! #fail #fail #fail
Neha Dhupia ✔ @NehaDhupia
I’m following @GoDaddy jus so that u guys can DM me and refund my money! I have nt used any of ur domain names n being billed is ridiculous!
Interestingly, this is not the first time that Go Daddy is accused of such a thing. The regular customers usually complain about the site drawing funds despite the users stopping to use the services or sometimes not using their service at all.
Time for this mega website portal to sort things out before the celebrities attack, in turn making it real big.