Nandamuri Balakrishna’s new film "Parama Veera Chakra" has completed its shooting schedule in Kulumanali on yesterday. The next schedule of shooting will starts from November 8th to 25th in Hyderabad, with that talkie part of the film will come to end. Later, three songs will be shot in the beautiful locations Egypt, Kenya and Judong, with that shooting part almost completes and filmmakers are planning to release the audio in December and the film in January for Sankranthi.
In this film Balakrishna is romancing with three heroines Ameesha Patel, Sheela and Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia.Dasari Narayana Rao is directing this film and it is 150th film for Dasari. It is produced by C Kalyan under Teja Cinema banner.