Nayanthara sure is on a rise lately. After winning a National Award for her performance as Sita in Sri Rama Rajyam, Nayan has achieved a new landmark in the acting space, progressing to a level above. However, the lady who is now playing all strong roles and is being choosy about working with select directors has become completely aloof.
One cannot deny the fact that Nayan is more than less seen in all the filmy events lately. Her only last outing was when she attended the success meet of Raja Rani in Chennai. The actress has stopped being part of film’s promotional events and this was super evident at the audio release of Anamika, where ShekharKammula was clearly upset with her absence.
Anamika will see Nayanthara playing a super powerful role. The entire film will be on her shoulders, and is considered to be another winner for both the maker and the actress. She should have ideally been there for such a film where she is the lead protagonist. Other directors in Tamil and Telugu have also expressed their dissatisfaction earlier, when Nayan kept herself out of the audio and pre-release functions.
The film makers are being more and more rigid on these lines and they expect their lead cast to be a part of promotion. Actresses like Nayanthara, who are supposed to be the most matured artists should willingly accommodate time for such projects, say the sources. The hushed whispers will soon break into a loud retaliation, in case this continues with the actors.