The most celebrated BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is definitely star struck. After meeting stars like Pawan Kalyan and Nagarjuna down South, Modi recently was called by Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth over to his residence, calling it a courtesy call. While the entire Tamil Nadu shook with speculation that Rajini might be plunging into politics, NaMo clarified that there was no political significance attached to it.
Rajini confirmed to PTI that he was a well-wisher of Modi and wished him all the best for the future in the possible governance. Modi in turn described Thalaivar as a ‘good friend’.
“This is not a political meeting. Modiji visited me when I was hospitalized. I had invited him to have a cup of tea with me whenever he came to Chennai. So he has come now” Rajini stated outside his residence.
Rajini further stated that he was very happy that Modi was there at his place, displaying eminent camaraderie in front of the media with warm handshakes.
Interestingly, no matter how much the superstar denies it, Modi made his way into Chennai at a perfect timing. With Lok Sabha elections oncoming on 24th this month in Tamil Nadu where BJP had hitched six alliances with other parties give way to a possible hunch that the BJP’s star material was there to seek Rajini’s support, looking at the kind of following he has.
About three years ago, Modi was in Tamil Nadu to attend AIADMK Jayalalitha’s swearing ceremony as CM, when later he made time to visit the ailing Rajini at a private hospital where the Kochadaiiyan of the masses was undergoing treatment for respiratory issues.
All in all, Narendra Modi proves to be a brilliant mix of positive governance and marketing tactics to spread the brotherhood and get the support from the tinsel town, where stars are Gods.