Nandu – Geetha Madhuri pair is considered to be one of the top cute celebrity pairs in Tollywood. Their love story took several turns and finally went for a happy ending in the form of marriage. Recently, Geetha Madhuri celebrated ‘Aashadam’ in her home with her parents. It is known that the hubbies have to stay away from their wives during this span.
Nandu was not allowed to Geetha’s house during this span and soon after this the pair enjoyed Geetha’s birthday celebrations with their entire families. Nandu used this occasion to give special gift to his wife. He presented her a brand new Hyundai car and Geetha posted the pics immediately in her social networking site saying that this is a precious present.
Check: Geetha Madhuri Hit Songs
She thanked her hubby for the gift. This pair is now anchoring Super Singers latest series and slowly, Nandu too is coming towards the music side. Lets hope that this pair rocks the small screen with their powerful anchoring techniques.