Victory Venkatesh’s new upcoming film Nagavalli movie got the confirmed release date from the moviemakers. Nagavalli movie is all set to release on December 16th in worldwide. It was supposed to release on December 3rd, but due to Orange and Raktha Charitra 2 movies are releasing this season, the movie release date has been postponed.
Now the final song “Abhimanulu lenide Herolu lerura….Anucharulu lenide leaderlu lerura”, shooting is going on Venkatesh and 60 dancers in Badami,Karnataka. With this son movie comes to the final stage.
In Nagavalli film Venky romancing with five heroines, Anushka, Richa Gangopadhyay, Kamalinee Mukherjee, Shradda Das and Poonam Kaur. It is directed by P.Vasu and Produced by Bellamkonda Suresh. Music scored by Gurukiran.