Naga Chaitanya’s new yet to be titled film under the direction of Sukumar, has been completed half of the movie shooting part. The next schedule of this movie will starts soon in Hyderabad. This film is going to be a romantic love story based on college backdrop. Young hero Naga Chaitanya coming up with a new style after Ye Maya Chesave. Tamannah is playing the female lead role in this film.
We all know about the director Sukumar, who is good in making different love story movies. This time also coming up with new love track movie. Sukumar earlier directed Arya and Arya 2 movies with Allu Arjun.
It is being produced by Bunny Vasu under Geetha Arts. Music is scoring by Devisri Prasad. Movie makers will announce the title for this movie soon.