Akkineni Nagarjuna’s new film "Rajanna" shooting presently going on at Annapurna studios in Hyderabad. Now the unit is canning an emotional song on Nagarjuna under supervision of SS Rajamouli. The film is being directed by Rajamouli’s father Vijayendra Prasad, but few scenes and songs will be canned by under SS Rajamouli direction also. This movie is producing by Nagarjuna himself under the banner Annapoorna Studios. Sneha is pairing up with Nagarjuna in this film.
The movie is based on the realistic incident that took place in a village in Telangana during pre-independence period. The movie story line is, a freedom fighter, who fights against Rajakars during the Nizam’s era, for this film huge Telangana Village set has been erected under the supervision of art director Ravi.