Yuva Samrat Akkineni Nagarjuna’s upcoming new bilingual film ‘Gaganam’ in Telugu and Payanam in Tamil is expected to hit the silver screens on November 5th. The film is directed by ‘Aakasamantha’ fame Radha Mohan. Music is composed by Devi Sri Prasad.This bilingual film is being produced by Prakash Raj in Tamil version and Dil Raju in Telugu version. It is also heard that Nagarjuna himself is dubbing for Tamil version also.
The film is set in the backdrop of a hijack drama. Major part of the film will be in the sky (Hence the title Gaganam). It is said to have shot with high level of technical expertise. ‘Gaganam’ is said to have a right mixture of thrill and entertainment. It doesn’t have a heroine. For the first time in his career, Nagarjuna has done a film without a heroine.