Akkineni Nagarjuna’s forthcoming film “Soggade Chinni Nayana” shooting is currently progressing in Mysore and today Nag shared few pics from the shooting spot through his Twitter page. Nagarjuna and Ramya Krishna sharing the screen space after a gap of almost 15 years. The shooting is going on in a Vishnu Temple of 1500 years old in Mysore. Nagarjuna will be seen in dual role in the movie. Ramya Krishna and Lavanya Tripathi are playing the female lead roles in the film. Anchor Anasuya is also acting in a special role in the film.
“#scn shooting in a vishnu temple1500 years old with dear ramyakrishna after 15 years/as gorgeous as ever:)”, Nagarjuna posted on Twitter
Soggade Chinni Nayana is said to be a family drama entertainer and it is being directed by debutante director Kalyan Krishna. The movie is jointly produced by Nagarjuna and Ram Mohan.
Photos: Soggade Chinni Nayana Movie Stills
Have a look at Nagarjuna, Ramya Krishna, Lavanya Tripathi in the pics shared by Nag. Actors like Nasar, Brahmaji, Chalapathi Rao and others will be seen in the photos.