Mukesh Ambani to pay Rs 70 lakhs for Electricity Bill!

MUMBAI: Mukesh Ambani’s Godzilla-sized home in Mumbai, Antilia, has just notched up another headline. In the one month since he moved in with wife Nita and their three children, the house has generated a power bill of Rs 70,69,488, Mumbai’s highest residential electricity bill.

According to the bill for the month of September, Antilia consumed 6,37,240 units of power. To put it in perspective, an average household equipped with all electronic amenities consumes 300 units per month. Ambani was, in fact, given a discount of Rs 48,354 for prompt payment, so the Rs 70 lakh quoted earlier is minus this amount. Experts say it’s is roughly equivalent to the monthly power bill of 7,000 homes!

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