Mohanlal, lovingly referred to as Lalettan by his fans, began his career in the late seventies when he played an iconic villain role in the movie Manjil Virinja Pookkal. Now it seems, the universal star, sometimes called the complete actor and one of the most natural actors in India by his peers, is set to play a bad guy again.
The film in question is Sreenath Rajendran’s Koothara. Though nothing much is known about the movie yet, it already has caught the attention of the critics when its poster was shortlisted internationally, in the best movie poster category. The shoot is set to take place with Lakshadweep as the primary location according to sources. The movie also has another interesting aspect wherein a dog will play companion to Lal’s cameo character, maybe reminding the audience of Maybe Mammootty’s classic movie Mrugaya? (1989)
Other actors in the movie include Tovino Thomas, Sunny Wayne, Janani Iyer, Bharath and Gauthami Nair. The tunes of the flick will be handled by Gopi Sunder and it is being made under the banner of Marikkar Productions Reloaded which previously handled the big budget Amal Neerad projects like Big B (2007) and Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded (2009).