Mohan Babu gets Angry in Manoj Engagement Function!

Mohan Babu Angry on Journalist

Most of them knows that Manchu Mohan Babu’s son Manoj gets engaged yesterday with Pranathi Reddy and the engagement ceremony function held at Park Hayatt Hotel. Several celebrities from film industry and politics attended the event. Ex-Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde also graced the Manoj’s engagement event.

Check: Manchu Lakshmi Goes Emotional

In that event a journalist from Times Now has questioned Sushil Kumar Shinde about the controversy surrounding the Nirbhaya documentary and Mohan Babu gets angry on that journalist for asking these questions when he attended the Marriage function. Minister Shinde tried to stop the Mohan Babu’s anger but some argument went on between Mohan Babu and the Journalist. Later media persons demanded an apology from the Tollywood actor Mohan Babu!!

Photos: Manchu Manoj Engagement Photos

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