The Fourth Fast Track Court judge in Ananthapur awarded life imprisonment to Mallela Om Prakash for the murder of Julakanti Srinivas Reddy alias Moddu Seenu, the accused in the murder of TDP MLA Mr. Paritala Ravi. The judge Mr. K. V. Vijayakumar announced his judgment on Wednesday and also imposed a fine of Rs. 5,000 on Om Prakash. Om Prakash was staying with Moddu Seenu in the Yamuna barracks of the Ananthapur district, and on November 9, 2008 he smashed Seenu’s head with a cement dumbbell while asleep and killed him instantly. Officials earlier reported that both were frequently quarrelling for several days over keeping the light on till late in the night. However, Om Prakash later confessed to the murder.