Versatile actor Manoj Bajpai is all set to turn a host for the small television. He will be hosting a crime based show, Encounter that covers real life stories about criminals. Bajpai will be narrating each story per episode in a neutral perspective, leaving the audience thinking.
The actor opened up with his thoughts on how it works in the real world – “The basis of a good society is in punishing crime as it is not good. The police were not wrong when the killed these criminals. History teaches us that the life of crime leads to lives lived under the shadow of death. Criminals are always scared. Their actions are mostly mechanisms of defence” he said.
Manoj also had his personal experience looking at the bigger picture as to how one becomes a criminal. “Many criminals come into the world of crime by chance and later get addicted to it. They leave behind their families who are miserable, despite having once enjoyed money and clout”
The show that deals mostly with the chase that happens between cops and gangsters and ends up in encounter is an eye opener – “We will tell story of a gangster from his early, young days to the point that leads to infamous encounter. Though there will be comparisons with other crime based shows, we will not try to be different but just truthful and interesting” he said.
Bajpai also expressed that viewers will see him getting into the depth of the story to tell it from both points of view, of that of the police and the gangster.
Encounter airs on Sony Entertainment Television from April 11th.