Hero Mohanbabu’s son Manchu Vishnu has been silently launched a new film few months ago after the disaster of his last released "Saleem" movie. This new film now has been titled ‘Vastadu Naa Raju’, the title derives from the famous song Vastadu Naa Raju..Raane Vastadu Nelaraju from Alluri Seeta Rama Raju movie.
This movie shooting is going on in brisk pace without releasing any details to media. It is being directed by a debutant Hemanth Madhukar. Jhummandi Naadam fame Tapsee playing the female lead role in this flick. Important news is that Manchu Vishnu’s wife Veronica is overseeing all the production work due to Saleem disaster. She is producing this film on their own and newly established Production house 24 Frames banner. Mani Sharma is scoring music.