It is now almost confirmed that actor Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora are all set to tie a knot together. The couple is in a relationship since last two years and now they have decided to take it to the next level. Malaika also hinted about their relationship in the latest episode of Koffee with Karan.
Meanwhile, a few days back, it was reported that Arjun and Mailaka are getting married in Christian style in the month of April. But in her recent interview, Malaika quashed the news as rubbish and stated that media has made it up. But she didn’t reveal on when are they getting married.
Though they are not having a Christain style wedding, the couple is planning to hitch in April itself. Apparently, they want it to be a private affair with only a few attendees. Malaika was earlier married to Salman Khan’s brother Arbaaz Khan and they have parted ways in 2017.