Mahesh Babu demands Rs.10 Crores?

Mahesh Babu demands Rs.10 Crores?

With Pokiri, Mahesh Babu reached the zenith of box-office success. Though Sainukudu was a disappointment, it had tremendous openings. There are very high expectations from his forthcoming Athidi. Meanwhile, as already reported by, Mahesh signed a Rs. 36 Crore deal with UTV Films for a three-film contract. He is also the brand ambassador for ThumsUp. 

This scenario augurs well for Mahesh Babu. But, it appears to be not so for the producers. Recently, a senior producer, whose storyline was already accepted by the hero for his next venture after Athidi, approached him for dates, Mahesh is believed to have stated that he will sign on the dotted line, if a remuneration of Rs. 10 Crores is paid. This producer, who already let it be known in his circles about his proposed project with Mahesh, is said to be in a fix, because he already paid the advance and the hero’s close friend is to direct this mirchi masala film. Will the producer pay the steeply hiked price?

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