A producer in Tollywood filed a forgery case on her associates for illegitimately forging her signs, changing the documents and eventually renaming the title. The victim is Anuradha Uppalati who resides in Film Nagar Road No: 9. She started a movie with Aadi Saikumar and Shraddha Srinath as leads under her banner Satya Narayana Productions.
She titled the movie as Eedu Jodu. At the same time, Gurram Vijayalakshmi joined her as co-producer. Anuradha made a contract with Vijayalakshmi and director Vishwanath Arigela. Suddenly, on the 30th of last month, a poster of the same film was released with the title Jodi and banner Bhavana Creations.
These posters were released to the media by Vijayalaksmi and Vishwanath. Anuradha stated that she lost around Rs. 2 crores with this forgery scam. The police have filed the case on both Vijayalkshmi and Vishwanath and investigating it right now.