
Kshanam to be remade in Hindi

With each passing day, the list of Telugu movies getting remade into other languages especially Hindi has been increasing. This is indeed a matter to feel proud. Now, yet another movie is joining that list. We are talking about the blockbuster Kshanam, which has Adivi Sesh, Adah Sharma and Anasuya in the lead roles.

Kshanam in Hindi
Kshanam in Hindi

According to reports,Bollywood is eyeing the blockbuster Kshanam to be remade in Hindi. They are willing to remake it in Hindi version also because of the subject of the film which will be connected to Hindi audience also. Already clarity has come in technical things about the movie.

Ravikanth Perepu , who is the director of this film also will direct to Hindi version and Adivi Sheshu who played a lead role as well as the screenplay is ready to enter into Bollywood with this movie. PVP Cinema is planning to remake it in Hindi with good standards so that it will prove there also.

However, a low budget movie is creating a sensation at the box-office and if all this happens as planned it sure will be a moment of pride for Tollywood.

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