Ramgopal varma selected the Tollywood film personalities as the back drop story for KSD Appaalaraju movie.
KSD Appalaraju brief review!
Appalaraju(Sunil), a movie freak comes from Amalapuram to Hyderabad with a dream to become a famous director.
His script ‘Naayika’ has a very different concept with heroine as a lead role. He was successful in convincing producer, Rakhi (Raghu Babu) to produce his film and top heroine Kanishka (Sakshi Gulati) to play a lead role. Though the hero’s role is very small in his script but no movie is complete without a male role. Somehow Kanishka helps Appalaraju convincing Babu (Adarsh) to play a hero role.
Now that his script finds a producer, heroine and a hero, some sudden unexpected circumstances gets in trouble in the film, where we see a twist in the movie.
Appalraju was earlier very stubborn to make any changes in his script according to hero’s and director’s wish. But later he had to compromise for everything and let the film going according to the hero and director.
Though his aim of getting unique concept (his original script before unexpected changes) into the film was left unfulfilled for him, he was successful in getting a Best Comedy Director Award with Naayaki.