The director of the movie, Soundarya Ashwin, has confirmed that the release of the mega budget, much hyped 3D animated epic ‘Kochadaiyaan’ starring Rajnikanth has been pushed from the previous date of April 11th due to the upcoming general elections. Though they have not decided on a new date as of yet, the buzz is that it may come out on May 1st.
“It was a dream directing my father as a warrior and a dancer, to see him play the ‘rudra thandava’ onscreen,” Said Soundarya. She also denied all rumours that the part was first offered to Big B, Amitabh Bachan, “Rajnikanth had always been my first choice.”
She thanked others involved in the project namely, Deepika Padukone who plays the female lead, Jackie Shroff, Shobhana, Nasser and finally, A.R. Rahman for the soul touching music.
The superstar is appearing in this revolutionary new film for Kollywood in a triple role, no less.
Check out the official Tamil trailer below!